There are 5271 notes plotted above. Purely because window size =0.04 sec and song length = 210 sec. 5271 = 210/0.04
We want 600–700 notes if there are 3–4 notes per second, which sounds reasonably fast.
→If I merge consecutive notes that are the same, there are 896 notes.
→If I then drop any note < 0.08 sec, there are 200 notes.
→ If I merge consective frequencies that are the same, there are 1570 notes.
→ If I then drop any note < 0.08 sec, there are 384 notes.
The most common frequency is 416 Hz, which is Re in this mapping.
Motivation to understand music
- Due to lack of geographical sense of home (or I have made this causal), the first question was ‘what is home’, which I defined as something that has a sense of familiarity, security, a space where you feel at home, if a mental space
- Second thought on this, even given a geographical home, it’s possible that I would have found home in the intangibles
- Familar art and music make a home anywhere. Arguably art is tangible. I focus on watercolors and second, acrylics.
- Then became more involved in understanding the emotional effect of music and why we savor it or why it motivates.
- Current answer: the nuances of music create emotion, similar to nuances in voice can be revealing of emotions/thoughts more than content
- This leads to interest in understanding music (nuances, texture, complexity, simplicity).
- I am fairly stuck on the singular note. Listening to one note for a long time.
- I validate this happily with the known observation that physics feels free to indulge indefinitely in the hydrogen atom and smaller components. Although chemistry deals with all elements. Biochemistry has macromolecules. These latter compositions are too complex when you are still understanding an atom.