Display one more property computed from data
- read in data = y
- data sliced = y_crop
- intiate a list to store the property, characteristic, or feature: feature =[]
- inside a for loop, calculate characteristic, f, for each slice of data
- append the list that stores this feature: feature.append(f)
- add list as a column to the dataframe that stores all features: df[‘{feature}’] = feature
- save dataframe as csv file

An error occurred because of file read in / read out.
File extension ‘.csv’ is used to decide which files are read in from a dir. Initially, the directory contained .csv files that are to be processed.
After processing, the function writes .csv files.
The second set of .csv files doesn’t need to be read.
This was remedied by modifying the output file names with a step id.
The decision to read in a file is based on step id in the filename and file extension.