Backend for Hosting A Service: cgroups /Docker / JRE / Spark / Hadoop / nginx / load testing

cgroups and namespaces are used to isolate software programs from seeing/accessing files, process ids, network connections. To get more information about cgroups on ubuntu OS: ls /sys/fs/cgroup/

Use a dockerfile to create a docker image. dockerfile is just a text file.
docker build .

31 sec to built the image

check the image exists

run a container using the image and access the command line. use the -d flag instead of -it to run the container as a background process, not attaching it to the interactive shell or to stdout.

When a docker container is started, -p and -v flags can be used to map a host port to a container port, and a host file location mapped to a container location, i.e. mapping a docker volume to a docker container location.
Ports and Volumes cannot be linked between hosts and containers when a container is already running.
Container can be committed to an image, a way to save its current state, stopped, and a new container can be started with the latter image and a new config for ports, volume.
For access to files inside a container, docker cp can be used while the container is running in which case files are copied from host to a location inside the container. There is no encryption or transfer over the internet in this copy. For example in scp, there is encryption and transfer over the internet. Docker cp ~ linux OS cp, except it executes via the daemon running as docker engine which has root privilege to access the file space in a container. Docker isolates run times by isolating namespaces and cgroups.
another dockerfile
FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y wget curl postgresql-client && \
apt-get clean
RUN wget && \
tar -xvzf spark-3.5.3-bin-hadoop3.tgz && \
mv spark-3.5.3-bin-hadoop3.tgz /opt/spark
# rm spark-3.5.3-bin-hadoop3.tgz
EXPOSE 4040 8080 7077
CMD [“/bin/bash”]
Finished building image in a vm in 57 sec

get the name of the image from docker images, run a container based on the image,and attach it to the terminal:

Questions about load testing nginx:
- How to load test a web server. Send Xk requests in a short time, such as 5k requests in 10 seconds. There are tools to load test. A python script with requests lib should also work. Also leads to dos attack considerations.
- How to measure the results. Internally via access to the machine hosting the web server and externally from response time. Tools used to measure.
- Metrics that determine performance of the web server. Current config of cloud VM:
Data related — Total I/O per month 1 TB, Data in 40gb/sec, data out 1gb/sec
Memory — 1 Gb RAM, (Does HD matter?)
CPU — 1
file descriptors: